Star Flour


The products of Golard Company are as following: Flour without bran (for baking purposes), Setareh flour (for baking and industrial purposes), Confectionery and pasta null flour (for trade and industrial purposes).

Moreover, the company is able to produce various types of flour according to customer order with different degree of recovery. The quality control unit of the company had provided the situation to promote the products by using experts and advanced equipment. Flower Flour (Golard) Company is able to provide the best products to market by using modern technology, advanced equipment and suitable machinery, trained engineering staff and strict supervision of the Engineering and Quality control.

(weight percent based on the dry matter)
Maximum HumidityProteins
(weight percent based on the dry matter)
Wet GlutenMaximum AcidityParticle Size in Percent
On sieves 475 micronsOn sieves 180 micronsOn sieves 125 micronsUnder sieves 125 microns
Star flour 0.501 ~ 0.700 14.2 Min. 11 Min. 26 2.4 0 Max. 10 Max. 30 Min. 60

Contact Information

  • Address: No. 7, Phase 2, End of the 6th st., Mobarakeh Industrial Zone, Shiraz Road, Isfahan, Iran
    Telephone: +98 (31) 52373540
    +98 (31) 52373416
    Fax: +98 (31) 52373291

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