

Iranian National Standards and Industrial Research Organization is the only organization in Iran that can determine and develop official standards for products according to the law and announce them to be Compulsory with the consent of the Supreme Council of Standard. Duties and objectives of the Institute are: determination, development and dissemination of national standards – doing research for determining standards to improve the quality of domestic goods, helping to improve production methods and increasing the efficiency of the industry toward self-sufficiency - promotion of national standards - monitor the implementation of the mandatory standards - quality control of export goods subject to mandatory standards – preventing from the export of inferior goods in order to provide facilities to compete with similar foreign products and maintain international markets - quality control of imported goods subject to mandatory standards to protect consumers and domestic producers – preventing from the entry of foreign inferior goods, scientific and technical guidance of producers, distributors and consumers - investigation of methods of production, storage, packaging and transportation of various goods - promoting the metric system and calibration of instruments – testing the products in order to be according to standards for products – determining characteristics of the products – to give comment by comparison and issuing the needed certification.

Standard organization is a member of the International Organization for Standardization; and therefore, it uses the latest developments in scientific and technical and industrial world for fulfilling its responsibilities as well consider general conditions and specific needs of the country. Implementation of national standards is in favor of all the people and the economy; and it causes an increase in exports and domestic sales, and providing health and safety of consumers and saving of time and costs; and thus, it increase the national income and welfare and reduce costs.

Contact Information

  • Address: No. 7, Phase 2, End of the 6th st., Mobarakeh Industrial Zone, Shiraz Road, Isfahan, Iran
    Telephone: +98 (31) 52373540
    +98 (31) 52373416
    Fax: +98 (31) 52373291

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